Material List for “The Closer”
- Orvis 8808 Size 4 or any quality 4x long streamer hook
- Bucktail White
- Solid Tinsel Chenille Pearl
- Schlappen Olive
- Flashabou Pearl and Holo Pink
- Sili Legs Clear/Pearl
- Olive Deer Hair
Start thread 1/3 of the way back from the eye and cover hook shank
Tie in a clump of bucktail that is one and a half times the length of the hook shank. Do not tie it so that it flares!
Cut off Ducktail ends and tie in Tinsel Chenille
Wrap chenille forward
Stop short of the thread on the hook, leave enough room to tie in feathers
Tie down and cute off chenille
Tie in two feathers on each side of the hook, concave side out. The feathers should be two and half times the length of the hook shaft
Both sides
Cinch the feathers down tight and clip ends
Looking at a schlepped feather convex side towards you strip the barbs of the left side and tie tip in on top of the feather wings
Wrap schlepped feather around shank pulling barbules back to lay over feathers
Tie in 2 stranded of each color of flashabou, then fold it over and tie it down
Add two strands of Sili legs to each side of the fly
Clean and stack a deer hair bunch and tie it down on the top 50% of the hook shank
Spin deer hair to create a head. Whip finish and cement
Trim the bottom of the spun fair hair flat
Trim the deer hair to create a muddler head.