Grouse & Woodcock Hunting Report for 10.09.24

Current Status of the Hunt

As we enter the best month of the year, grouse and woodcock hunting is beginning to pick up.  At this point, the males are getting tired of the younger boys and starting to chase them out of the broods.  Dispersal should really start here soon and there is a little already in motion.  Our experience, and reports around the state seem to say that woodcock are not as numerous as in a typical year.  I think that this is becuase they are deeper in the swamps and where there is more moist soil for their sensitive prehensile bills.

The grouse numbers are ok which is not out of line with the point in the cycle that we are in.  Combine that with the dry weather and heat and a lot of birds are deeper in the dark, moist and cooler cover of the swamps.  As I’ve mentioned before, I do believe that the cycle does, at some level, exist.  We should be towards the bottom of the cycle as it typically peaks at years ending in 9 or 0.  I don’t put everything in the cycle as some do, but feel it’s a mosaic that and the above conditions that are leading to less birds.

Next Week’s Outlook

The next week looks to be returning to some cooler nights and days.  The end of the week, however, will be heating up though.  Bring plenty of water for you and your pups. Please remember that the temperature is even higher at ground level where your four legged partner is than the ambient air temperature that your latest app tells you.

Interested in learning more?  Click here for grouse habitat information and here for information on hunting and training dogs for grouse.  Have questions on grouse and woodcock hunting?  Drop me an email and I’m happy to help!

Shoot straight!

Capt. Chris Butz